OFSTED 2022..."Pupils describe West Horndon as being a big family. Staff know pupils well. Pupils are proud to be part of such a welcoming school...Leaders have high aspirations for all pupils. Pupils rise to meet these expectations. All staff share this vision. Leaders make sure pupils have a wide set of experiences. These help pupils develop into confident individuals. Pupils develop their self-esteem through extra responsibilities...Leaders have developed an inspirational curriculum that is designed to meet the needs of pupils at West Horndon. ..The whole school environment is a celebration of language and vocabulary...Pupils are well behaved in lessons and around school. They know the school rules...Leaders consider staff’s workload and well-being. Staff enjoy working at the school and feel supported by leaders." Pupils do not disrupt lessons. Pupils always do their best and want to make their teachers proud of what they can achieve. 2025 New Intake Prospective Parent Tours - Monday 7th October 2024 at 9.45am, Monday 18th November 2024 at 9.45am, Monday 9th December 2024 at 9.45am, Tuesday 7th January 2025 at 9.45am Please call the school office or email admin@westhorndon.essex.sch.uk to book a space.

Kind Words

Feedback from Stephen Morgan MP - Shadow Schools Minister, 30th June 2022
Feedback after Men in School Day June 2022
Exceptional teachers, exceptional school!
West Horndon Primary is an exceptional school. Our boys are thriving and the diverse approach to the curriculum, focusing on experiences, outdoor learning and play mean they are always happy before, during and after school.
I just wanted to say a big thank-you to Mr O'Grady and all the staff at West Horndon for holding a men in school day and letting us see how fantastic the whole school staff is and also spend some wonderful time with our children in school. It is a day neither my children or myself will forget. Thank you!
This school for young learning is so refreshing. All the kids are included and it’s great seeing the teachers take part in fun activities during break times as well. Outside learning is also something that is great at this school, using all the grounds to keep kids active and engaged in learning all types of topics is really good to see when watching your children learn new things and having the opportunity to see it through great initiatives like Mums/Dads in school days. I really do believe that this school offers young children to express themselves through leaning and preparing them for their next phase.
We thank Miss Patel from the bottom of our heart for the amazing work she does.
Dad day, total success. Experiencing a day watching my child was a great honour.
An invaluable insight to school life. Our children are always happy and smiling. Thank you all.
The Men in School day is fantastic opportunity to experience what a day is like at a West Horndon Primary School. It was both informative and fun and my daughter loved showing me what the school has to offer.
Yesterday’s visit confirmed to me this is a very good school my child attends.
A great day and so glad to be a part of our child’s education and see how it all works. Would recommend any school doing it. Top marks to Mr O Grady for bringing it all together.
Just a really good idea. No other schools that I know of offer something like this.
Feedback from Parental Surveys after Women In School Day March 2022 
Such a wonderful and caring school who understand not only what children need academically but also the nurture and understanding they need emotionally and mentally to help them develop. My children are truly thriving at West Horndon and I couldn't be happier.
I don't know of another school like this one. Mental health, social communication and building resilience are at the heart of the curriculum. Children are encouraged to learn through play right through to year six. I can't rate West Horndon highly enough!

WH Primary has a refreshing way of making learning fun and engaging for the children. It is clear to see that they all have created great relationships throughout the school and the peer support from other year groups is something which I believe everyone benefits from.

Lovely school, 100 percentage focused on the children's happiness - absolutely Over the moon with our choice to send our daughter there!

The emphasis on outdoor learning and the role of play in learning is amazing. I’ve never seen cooking used to teach phonics before and I’m not sure I’d ever want to see it taught any other way. It’s so clear that all the staff at West Horndon have taken the time to get to know each child individually and the level of care is outstanding.

 All the staff is amazing and knows exactly how to motivate the children. Mr O’Grady commitment and drive can be seen throughout the whole school.

Fabulously unique & kind school. Their approach to learning is fun and that's what school is supposed be when you're little.

You should all be so proud of yourselves For all your hard work that you put into the school it truly shows and the passion you all have for the school also. This shows in the children they are so happy and polite and this is down to you . You are making learning fun rather than just sitting at a table. You have found ways to make learning fun but achievable and on topic and for that your getting the best from the children I absolutely loved it and can’t wait until next year Well done west Horndon you truly are impressive

Just to say thank you for all that you do for our children and for allowing us inside your school to see a small part of how you teach and shape them. Having never experienced anything like this before it was truly wonderful coming in to spend the day with my children and something we won't forget. Thank you to all the staff for putting it together and for their hard work on the day, I can only imagine how nerve wracking it is and how hard it is to get children to concentrate when their parents are by their side!

Days like these are my children's most remembered days at school. As parents we like to be there every step of the way and not miss a moment so to be a part of a day which is usually behind closed doors has a lasting positive impact which will be talked about for years to come. Lucky parents we are to be able to share this experience with them. Thank you WHPS.

I wish school was this much fun when I went! The pupils of West Horndon are extremely lucky!

It was an absolutely fantastic day and I can’t thank the school enough for giving me the chance to spend the day with my son at school.

We loved Women in School day. It really gives you an insight to how the school operates and its ethos. I can't wait for the next one and our two boys are already excited about Men in School Day.

I really enjoyed spending time at the school - both to spend the quality time with my daughter in one of her favourite places and to be able to see what she gets up to!

It was a blast! Getting a glimpse into school life is definitely something every parent should experience! It’s allowed me to put all her school stories into a full picture and I thank all the staff for making this day happen. It’s a day that I will treasure for the rest of this year! I can’t wait for Mother’s in school 2023!

I absolutely enjoyed every single minute. The lunch was delicious and kept me full until teatime. Lunch time, even with extra guests, seemed like a well-oiled ship! The sand pit is a brilliant addition. It kept the kids - and me - fully engaged the whole of lunch. We loved finding golden nuggets and gems!

West Horndon should be very proud for arranging such unique days that no other schools do. It’s very important as a parent to be able to share experiences like this with our children. Not only does it build confidence, it also build bonds with a child and a parent.

I will now be able to picture what my child is doing when and where which gives me great comfort. I think it will also benefit my child as I think he'll probably talk more about some of the things he gets up to at school because he can explain the things that I've seen!

…love the way you link everything thing together ….learning about history of  Pocahontas and carrying it on in Cojo! And it’s amazing how the children take everything in! Will definitely do things differently when doing homework etc

I will now be able to picture what my child is doing when and where which gives me great comfort. I think it will also benefit my child as I think he'll probably talk more about some of the things he gets up to at school because he can explain the things that I've seen!

OPAL Feedback (February 2023):
"West Horndon Primary School has just achieved Platinum award status from OPAL Outdoor Play and Learning. This means that they are in the top 0.5% of UK schools for the quality of the play they provide for all their children. The school has demonstrated that it takes the UNCRC Article 31, the child's right to play, seriously and is implementing all stages of school improvement in relation to play, including policy, planning, resourcing, staffing and evaluation."Michael Follett BA Hons Ed, PGCE OPAL Founder and Director
OPAL Feedback (February 2023):
"West Horndon Primary School has just achieved Platinum award status from OPAL Outdoor Play and Learning. This means that they are in the top 0.5% of UK schools for the quality of the play they provide for all their children. The school has demonstrated that it takes the UNCRC Article 31, the child's right to play, seriously and is implementing all stages of school improvement in relation to play, including policy, planning, resourcing, staffing and evaluation."Michael Follett BA Hons Ed, PGCE OPAL Founder and Director
Feedback from Senior Citizen Guests at the Exclusive Harvest Festival Performance (October 2022)
Dear Mr O'Grady
We would like to let you know how much we enjoyed the above event this afternoon.
It was a real pleasure to see and hear for ourselves the brilliant performances of the children and then to get the opportunity to interact with the older classes was simply just great fun. The food the children provided along with the quality of their conversational skills was outstanding !!
We would like to thank you,  your staff and the children for all their hard work in making this event such a success and look forward to further events for us "Seniors" in the future.
Best regards
Tony and Christine Ward 
Grandparents of Chloe Truelove (Year 2)
Feedback from a visiting Headteacher and Deputy Headteacher June 2022 (Barnes Farm Junior School) 
The children were all visibly happy and enjoying their time in school. Leadership clearly committed to giving each child the best they deserve and obviously enjoy being part of the school. Clear consistency across the school environment with suitable adaptations for the Year 5/6 group in a nod to secondary readiness.
Roll out of OPAL clearly successful with one Year 6 pupil (Louis) talking proudly and enthusiastically about what the school has to offer for him and his peers.
All staff that I had a conversation with appeared happy and pleased to be part of the school. Matt - you are clearly a very proud and invested Headteacher which has filtered through to the members of staff I had interactions with.
OPAL elements appear to be transformative to the lunchtime experience of the children.
All children spoken to were polite and courteous. They were keen to volunteer information about their lunchtime experience and demonstrated a superb relationship with the adults around them.

If only every school was like West Horndon - brave, ambitious and child-centred.


Feedback from a visiting PTA Chair from another school


My first impression of your school was there was clearly love for what you all do and the children lucky enough to attend your school were the most important aspect of why you are there...what you have collectively achieved is an environment full with possibilities and wonder - any child would feel nurtured and be able to grow successful as individuals





Young Voices - May 2022
Can I just say last night was such a great night! I really enjoyed it. It brought many tears to my eyes haha! It  was such a great experience for the kids and us adults. Thank you for all the organising and taking the children. Really do appreciate all that every teacher does and I can’t express enough to people what an amazing school West Horndon is and how lovely and friendly every teacher is. He had such a great time, he was so excited for it. He came home sooo happy and hyper and said it was one of the best nights so thank you all again for letting the children take part and for all you do.
Parent of a Year 4 pupil.
Good afternoon,
I just wanted to say a huge thank you to all those involved in yesterday's trip to the O2. It was absolutely fantastic. My son said it was the "Best school trip I've ever been on in my life!" We really had no idea what the event was going to be like. What a wonderful experience for the children. We can't wait for next year! 
Warm regards
Wow what an incredible night at Young Voices. It was magical from start to finish. To see and hear, all the children singing together in the O2, is something I will never forget. She had a great time, with all the fun on the coach with her friends, to being a part of the largest school choir concert in the world. A big thank you to all the staff who made this trip happen.
Dear Mrs Richardson & Young Voices colleagues,
We just wanted to thank you and all the staffing team for an amazing experience at the Young Voices concert. The atmosphere was electric and it made some lifelong memories for all children! So thank you for continuing to provide new experiences for our children. I must admit we also thoroughly enjoyed the Beat Box section, (which I have on good authority was the highlight of the evening), although I fear my rendition of The Gruffalo isn’t quite up to the standards of the amazing artists that performed at the concert! What an experience to watch! Thank you again for all the teams time & effort!
Kind Regards,
Vicki & John
A Card from a Year 6 Parent - May 2022
We just wanted to thanks all the team who helped the year 6 pupils through the SATS test last week. ...the staff made the pupils feel at ease and ensured the best environment so they could do their best....
Parental Feedback - December 2021
To All the Staff at WH,

I just wanted to write a quick note to everyone to say a BIG thank you for making this time of year so magical for all the children.  The memories you create will last a lifetime and we appreciate all the extra hard work which you put in going above & beyond your job roles.

We know there is a few weeks of festivities yet to go but we just wanted to say thanks to an amazing team!

Happy Christmas to you all!
Feedback from Marion Blockley, Project Manager - Ironbridge Coracle Trust 
The School visited us during a residential trip to Ironbridge. The trustees of the Ironbridge Coracle Trust continue to say how impressed they were by the behaviour, interest and bright questions the children asked about coracles... By serendipity I first met the Head Teacher when he was on a site reconnaissance visit to Ironbridge in his own time. It was very clear that the children had huge respect and affection for him and he led by example...We would love to welcome the school back to share our passion for the weird and wonderful world of Ironbridge Coracles...Pupils on a demanding residential visit, were really well behaved and a pleasure to work with...
Feedback from Year 6 visit to Dunton Hills Farm
I just wanted to drop a quick line and say what a pleasure it was to have your children visit us today at Dunton Hills Farm. They were kind, polite and friendly. I had great fun in walking and talking with them, Sparky quite enjoyed it too. It really was a delight.
Hoping to welcome the members of WHPS again very soon.
Andrew Patchett
Farm Manager - Dunton Hills Farm 
Feedback From Our Steward at Writtle College Food and Farming Day June 2019
"I just wanted to say how impressed I was with your children's behaviour today.  I have stewarded at this event before, and your children's conduct has been the best I have experienced.  Their smart appearance and respect for others was also noticed."
Hilary Barnes
Feedback from the National Maritime Museum 

Dear Mr O'Grady,

Thank you for bringing your children to the National Maritime Museum today, I hope they enjoyed their experience and picked up some interesting facts to start them on the right track for their Vikings project.

I wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed working with the children from West Horndon. I found them to be interested and very willing to have a go at answering questions without fear of failing, even though they were right at the start of their project and had little prior knowledge. I was very impressed by certain members of the group who contextualized and applied the information they received. I also found all the children to be extremely polite towards me and each other which was a real joy to witness.

I have the pleasure in teaching a wide variety of children from all sorts of backgrounds and I am happy to say that memories of teaching your class from West Horndon will stay with me for a long time.

Kind regards

Rebecca Swan
Email from Member of the Public
Dear Mrs Curtis,
I have just had the pleasure of seeing a group of children from your school on a school trip at a service station near the Watford Gap. I wanted to say that the children behaved very well, even the ones sat far away from the teachers were quiet and well-mannered and a credit to your school.
Yours Sincerely, Sarah Hinton