OFSTED 2022..."Pupils describe West Horndon as being a big family. Staff know pupils well. Pupils are proud to be part of such a welcoming school...Leaders have high aspirations for all pupils. Pupils rise to meet these expectations. All staff share this vision. Leaders make sure pupils have a wide set of experiences. These help pupils develop into confident individuals. Pupils develop their self-esteem through extra responsibilities...Leaders have developed an inspirational curriculum that is designed to meet the needs of pupils at West Horndon. ..The whole school environment is a celebration of language and vocabulary...Pupils are well behaved in lessons and around school. They know the school rules...Leaders consider staff’s workload and well-being. Staff enjoy working at the school and feel supported by leaders." Pupils do not disrupt lessons. Pupils always do their best and want to make their teachers proud of what they can achieve. 2024 New Intake Prospective Parent Tours 2nd Oct at 10.30am, 30th Nov at 9.30am and 11 Jan at 9.30am Please call the school office or email admin@westhorndon.essex.sch.uk to book a space.

OPAL - Outdoor Play and Learning

"West Horndon Primary School has just achieved Platinum award status from OPAL Outdoor Play and Learning. This means that they are in the top 0.5% of UK schools for the quality of the play they provide for all their children. The school has demonstrated that it takes the UNCRC Article 31, the child's right to play, seriously and is implementing all stages of school improvement in relation to play, including policy, planning, resourcing, staffing and evaluation." - Michael Follett BA Hons Ed, PGCE OPAL Founder and Director
In October 2021, we began our OPAL journey and we are delighted with the positive impact it is having on our pupils at lunchtime. Our rationale for choosing OPAL was simple - we recognised how the pandemic, national lockdowns, and partial school closures had reduced children's opportunities to socialise with their peers. Our ethos of developing the whole child puts social interaction at the heart of what we do. We viewed the OPAL project as a way of redressing the balance and providing children with richer, more meaningful ways of interacting with their peers and 'catching up' for lost time. The development of social skills is crucial in providing children with a positive school experience and we are confident that our children - who now have a more purposeful, enjoyable and rewarding lunchtime experience - are fulfilled throughout every part of the day, which enables them to be more receptive to learning inside and outside the classroom. This, ultimately, fits our long-held belief that happy children learn best.
Please enjoy our 'West Horndon Does OPAL Lunchtime' video below!