OFSTED 2022..."Pupils describe West Horndon as being a big family. Staff know pupils well. Pupils are proud to be part of such a welcoming school...Leaders have high aspirations for all pupils. Pupils rise to meet these expectations. All staff share this vision. Leaders make sure pupils have a wide set of experiences. These help pupils develop into confident individuals. Pupils develop their self-esteem through extra responsibilities...Leaders have developed an inspirational curriculum that is designed to meet the needs of pupils at West Horndon. ..The whole school environment is a celebration of language and vocabulary...Pupils are well behaved in lessons and around school. They know the school rules...Leaders consider staff’s workload and well-being. Staff enjoy working at the school and feel supported by leaders." Pupils do not disrupt lessons. Pupils always do their best and want to make their teachers proud of what they can achieve. 2025 New Intake Prospective Parent Tours - Monday 7th October 2024 at 9.45am, Monday 18th November 2024 at 9.45am, Monday 9th December 2024 at 9.45am, Tuesday 7th January 2025 at 9.45am Please call the school office or email admin@westhorndon.essex.sch.uk to book a space.

Term Time Exceptional Leave Requests

Term Time Exceptional Leave Requests

 We strongly discourage all parents from taking their child out of school during term time to take holidays.

Taking a child on holiday in term time interrupts the learning of the whole class and the teachers have to spend time helping the children catch up when they return. Therefore parents should arrange holidays during the 13 week school holiday periods.

 Work will not be provided for children taken out of school for holidays.

Holidays taken within the school term (except in exceptional circumstances agreed by the Headteacher) will be deemed as unauthorised absence.

Requests should be made in writing to the Headteacher, via the school office, before holidays are booked. 

The expectation of the Local Authority is that term-time holidays should not be planned or booked as they are likely to lead to the issuing of a penalty notice. 

Parents /carers who take their children on unauthorised, term-time holidays may be issued with a penalty notice or subject to court proceedings for failing to ensure their child’s regular school attendance under section 444 of the Education Act 1996.

Exceptional circumstances does not include

  • Cheap holiday cost
  • Getting personal paperwork, visas updated (this should be planned into holiday periods)
  • Visiting relatives (this should be planned into holiday periods)
  • Attending weddings 

Exceptional circumstances must be: 

  • Rare
  • Significant
  • Unavoidable
  • Short